BHRA Rowing Dock
This 8 section 80′ long rowing dock was constructed for the BHRA. Engineered to meet FISA and USA rowing standards, it’s a favorite among clubs and universities, giving individuals or crews of all sizes easy access to get you out on and out of the water effortlessly. The freeboard height is extremely low to the water and supremely stable, allowing sure-footed loading, launching and docking from the perfect position for rowing. Rowing docks are typically moored in place with anchor and chain as opposed to poles with pole brackets. This provides unobstructed access along the entire dock. A 4′ x 15′ Aluminum gangway is attached on the shoreside.
Products Used in this project
Low Profile 80″ X 120″ Dock Section (BEIGE)
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4′ x 15′ Aluminum Gangway with Thruflow Brown
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